Ecclesiastical Duties

March 18, 1833

At a meeting of high priests, Joseph Smith ordained Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams as counselors in the presidency of the Church, to which they had previously been called, as recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 81. Many of those present saw visions.

June 6, 1833

Joseph Smith and an assembly of high priests voted to instruct the building committee to proceed immediately to obtain materials for the construction of the Kirtland Temple.

September 11, 1833

Joseph Smith and other council members consented to establish a press in Kirtland to publish the Latter-day Saints' Messenger and Advocate and The Evening and Morning Star until they could be published in Missouri again.

October 23, 1833

At a candlelight meeting, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon were challenged by a Wesleyan Methodist who "exhibited a great lack of reason, knowledge, and wisdom, and gave them no opportunity to reply."


Winter Quarters

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