
January 11, 1833

In a letter to William W. Phelps containing the text of the revelation in Doctrine and Covenants 88, Joseph Smith talked of the great blessings awaiting the Saints but also prophesied that if they persisted in iniquity they would "feel the Lord's wrath."

February 6, 1833

Joseph Smith wrote a letter from the First Presidency to the Church members in Thompson, Ohio, encouraging them to "continue in brotherly love, walk in meekness, watching unto prayer, that you be not overcome."

February 12, 1833

Joseph Smith dictated a strongly worded letter to N. C. Saxton, editor of the American Revivalist and Rochester Observer, who had printed only part of the letter Joseph had sent for publication on January 4.

July 2, 1833

Although the major portion of the inspired translation of the Bible was completed by this date, Joseph Smith continued until his death in 1844 to make modifications while preparing a manuscript for the press.


Winter Quarters

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